Water Systems

Drinker Systems for Rearing and Heavy Birds
Drinking systems – for the correct amount of fresh and clean drinking water
To achieve the optimum performance from your birds, it is extremely important to provide fresh and clean drinking water. For this, water
must be available reliably, free from contamination and within easy reach for the birds.
Big Dutchman satisfies all of these requirements in an ideal way – offering a wide range of drinking systems for broilers, turkeys, and
breeders, as well as pullets and layers.
Our product range includes:
- Nipple drinkers with and without drip cup;
- Special broiler and turkey drinkers;
- Round drinkers for open water supply;
- Cable winches;
- Water connection unit with medicator.
The choice of the right drinking system depends on the type of bird, on the field of use, on the situation in the house and on your individual
Big Dutchman Poultry Drinker Nipples
Both Top Nipple and Top Nipple orange are ideally suited for poultry finishing up to a live weight of approx. 5 kg. Both nipples have
a passage rate of 80 to 90 ml/min*, thus providing sufficient water supply even for heavier poultry.
The single-arm drip cup keeps the litter dry without hindering the birds from drinking. Big Dutchman also offers 50 ml and 100 ml
screw nipples for use in layer and breeder houses.

Premium Drinker
Optimum water supply specifically for broilers
The new PremiumDrinker was developed specifically for broiler finishing and consists of these main parts:
- Larger nipple tube;
- CombiMaster drinking nipple;
- Greater water passage rate
- Only 4 mm of the nipple extend into the nipple tube –> minimum narrowing of the tube diameter
- Special drinking nipple protector
- Reinforced plastic housing with larger thread diameter –> high solidity
- Nipple activation from the side is not possible
- Very simple assembly: protector is put over the nipple
28 mm nipple tube “RingCup”
Drinking nipple protector
This well thought-out system ensures that the birds always receive a sufficient amount of water and at the same time reduces wastage by
splash water significantly.
Thanks to the use of high-quality materials (special synthetic material and stainless steel), the drinker is very resistant to chemicals.
The passage rate amounts to approx. 45 ml/min at a 20 cm water column.
- Large lower pin –> big and noticeable water drop;
- Nipple cannot be activated from the side –> less splash water;
- Drip cup is not attached to the nipple tube any longer –> improved hygiene;
- Maximum length of the drinker line 90 m (side supply).
Round drinkers
Open water supply for all kinds of poultry
In addition to nipple drinkers, Big Dutchman also offers various round drinkers which are used depending on the bird type and bird weight.
These drinkers are usually installed in a suspended position.
The JUMBO-T and JUMBO-98 round drinkers are ideally suited for heavy turkeys from 2 to 25 kg live weight. The JUMBO-B drinker is suitable
for turkeys of up to 12 kg live weight as well as layers and broiler breeders.
Thanks to the narrow water jet running along its side, the bell remains substantially clear. The water does not splash over the rim and
is thus not wasted. This reduces ammonia emissions in the house.
Since the ballast body (JUMBO-T and B) is fitted directly to the suspension, there is no load on the valve and the water level can be adjusted