BD Housing
Innovative penning systems for your pig house
In addition to the most advanced feeding technology, Big Dutchman can also offer its customers animal-friendly, easy-to clean systems for
sow, nursery and finishing housing. Our flexible modular system enables you to construct any type and size of pen, independent of the
conditions on site and the dimensions of the house.
The Big Dutchman penning system includes:
- Pen profiles made of PVC (in blue or light grey);
- Pen supports, posts and reinforcing posts, all made of stainless steel;
- Concrete partition ends;
- Several different types of locking doors.

Housing options for piglets and finishing pigs

The penning system can be designed specifically to meet your requirements. If a dry feeding system is used, for example, the automatic
feeders can either be mounted in the middle of the pen or in the pen partition. If the compartments are wider than 3.00 m at the aisle,
installing a so-called “divided door” is recommended, no matter whether this concerns pens for piglets or finishing pigs. This special
type of door facilitates moving the pigs in and out. Thanks to the way the pens are designed, pigs can easily withdraw from the group,
which increases comfort and quiet.
Pen profiles – easy to assemble, flexible, robust and hygienic
Big Dutchman pen profiles consist of individual, solid profile boards 35 mm thick and are available in several different heights: 500,
600, 750 and 1000 mm. This provides an easily cleaned pen division with no gaps or cracks to harbour dirt and disease. The profiles’
length is not predetermined. Instead, the profiles can be cut to the customer’s specifications or can be cut to size directly on site.
Depending on the ventilation system and our requirements, the profiles can be used in conjunction with one or more galvanised 1″ tubes.
The tubing is mounted to the posts using special fixings. Divisions of 800, 1000 or 1100 mm in height or combinations thereof can easily
be provided.